The NATIONAL CHAPTER is comprised of the National Officers and a duly elected National Delegate from each local chapter. The National Chapter is the general governing body and meets every two years at the Biennial Meeting.

The National Officers are:

  • NATIONAL PRESIDENT– The National President shall preside at meetings of the National Chapter and Executive Council. This officer shall have the power to approve all payments, sign all charters, issue calls for special meetings of the National Chapter, issue calls for meetings of the Executive Council, appoint all committees, and supervise all committees. These duties may be delegated as the National President sees fit. The National President shall serve as a member of the Executive Policy Board and one of the Fraternity’s official representatives to the Professional Fraternity Association.
  • NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF PROGRAMMING- This officer shall assist with officer training for incoming Regional Directors, develop professional programs for chapters, assist the National Vice President of Expansion to activate or reactivate chapters and perform other duties, as directed by the National President. The National Vice President of Programming shall be first in order of succession in case of the inability of the National President to serve.
  • NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT OF EXPANSION– This officer shall be responsible for activating and reactivating chapters. This officer will identify and pursue opportunities for establishing chapters, attend pre-petition visits, and conduct chapter installation and reactivation ceremonies. This National Vice President of Expansion shall be third in order of succession in case of the inability of the National President to serve. This officer shall be elected as prescribed elsewhere in these Bylaws.
  • REGIONAL DIRECTORS– Each geographical area has one director who visits the local chapters at least once during each Biennium and who provides additional guidance and assistance, as needed. This officer is available to assist you with any questions or problems you may have.

The operations of the Fraternity are administered by the following entities:

  • EXECUTIVE POLICY BOARD, which is comprised of the current National President, the Executive Policy Board Chair and a former National Officer appointed by the current National President. This Board is responsible for formulating and implementing short-term and long-term financial objectives, directing the operation of the National Headquarters, and performing other duties at the direction of the Executive Council.
  • EXECUTIVE COUNCIL, which is comprised of the elected National Officers and the Executive Policy Board Chair. These members direct the affairs of the Fraternity during the period between meetings of the National Chapter.
  • CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Fraternity, oversees the activities of the Regional Directors, keeps the permanent records, and is the historian. This person has an office at National Headquarters and takes care of all the records of the Fraternity. The Chief Executive Officer is an ex-officio member of the Executive Council.