Welcome to our member directory, Connect. To update the information in your entry, click on the black box in the bottom right corner that says, “Your Account” and then edit your profile. Don’t forget to update if any of your information changes. The information provided in the directory is strictly for personal use and may not be shared or distributed in any way. By use of this directory and/or this website, you agree to adhere to this rule and the rules outlined in the Terms of Use, Confidentiality Agreement, and Disclaimers.

The Phi Chi Theta National Office created this Database for the benefit of and exclusive use by Phi Chi Theta members. By accessing this Database, you represent that you currently meet these criteria and that you will abide by the terms of this Agreement as stated below.

Authorized Users and Access
Access to this Database and use of these materials is restricted exclusively to persons who have been initiated by an official chapter of Phi Chi Theta or deemed a member through an honorary process.
You agree to not share your username and password with anyone, including other members of your chapter.  In order to maintain the security of this Connections Database, each individual must register separately.

Confidentiality and Use of Materials
By accessing this database, you agree to keep all materials confidential.  You agree not to disseminate or otherwise provide any material obtained from the Connections Database to any person not currently an Authorized User as defined under this Agreement. Prohibited dissemination includes, but is not limited to, publishing or posting content to other websites or any listserves.

Removal of Materials
If the author of any entries in the Database no longer wants his or her information listed in the Database, that author can remove the entry or should send a message to, and the administrators will remove the author’s entry from the Database as soon as possible.

Disclaimer of Warranties
The Database is provided to you on an as-is and as-available basis. You agree that your use of the Database is at your sole risk. You understand and agree that Phi Chi Theta makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy, currency, completeness, reliability, or usefulness of the Database content; that the content will meet your requirements; that access to the Database will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free; or that defects, if any, will be corrected. We make no warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

​Revocation of Access
Failure to abide by any of these terms will result in the immediate revocation of your access and other actions as may be deemed necessary to ensure the continuing confidentiality of materials and security of the Database.  Phi Chi Theta reserves the right to revoke any user’s access for any reason without advance warning.  Concerns about misuse of any materials on this website or unauthorized access should be directed to

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